Quartz is chemical compound consisting of one part Silicon and two parts of Oxygen.
It is Silicon Dioxide ( SiO2).Quartz is one of the most well-known and founded minerals on Earth, its also the most varied of all minerals, occurring in all different forms, habits and colors. It is found in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock. It is associated with many valuable are deposits as well.
There are two basic forms of Quartz.
Macrocrystalline Quartz
Macro Crystalline, or simply Crystalline, has crystals with distinct shapes recognizable to the naked eye. Macro-crystalline quartz, includes stones like: Amethyst, Aventurine, rock crystal, blue quartz, Citrine, hawk’s eye, quartz cat’s eye, smoky quartz, Rose Quartz and tiger’s eye.
Microcrystalline Or Cryptocrystalline Quartz
Microcrystalline or Cryptocrystalline quartz has microscopically small crystals that are so minuscule and packed so tightly together that they’re completely indistinguishable to the naked eye.
Cryptocrystalline quartz is comprised of the entire Chalcedony group which includes Agates and Jaspers, Chrysoprase, Carnelian, Onyx, Sardonyx, Sard, and even includes Flint.
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